Changelog07.03.2009: BICheck 1.2 is released. A lot of changes in this version: a) removed Noble Bank (merged 04.01.2010 with GETIN Bank) b) removed GE Money Bank (merged 31.12.2009 with bank BPH) c) changed name from ABN AMRO Bank Polska to RBS Bank Polska d) added 14 Dutch banks to the database e) deleted DSB Bank and Icesave (financial problems) f) as from 11 may 2009 Dresdner Bank AG belongs to Commerzbank AG. g) added support for 10-digit numbers (mostly Spaarrekeningen) h) improved Acceptgiro algorithm & added picture i) generating IBAN numbers (for Dutch numbers it's a little bit more complicated than Polish) j) now it's possible to copy received results k) 3 languages to choose (English, Dutch, Polish) l) new information: Trust level: In some circumstances Dutch banking system allows to use the same identifying code for more than one bank (which is forbidden in Poland), therefore there is always a risk that BICheck will not correctly identify your account number. Hovewer, it's possible to determine a chance of given information: ![]() ![]() ![]() Please take a note, that accounts belonging to some smaller banks are using the same starting number as several big banks, as an example: - account numbers starting from 65, 66 and 67 (ING) are also belonging to JP Morgan Chase Bank in Amsterdam - accounts from ASN Bank are using the same starting number as SNS Bank or even ING - numbers used by Hollandsche Bank Unie in general are belonging to ABN-AMRO - Akbank and Triodos can have the same starting number as Rabobank - numbers starting from 2702 are being in use by both Bank Insinger de Beaufort and Société Générale |